Questions to ask your doctor
- Are you considering Asherman’s syndrome? Why or why not?
- What else could be causing my infertility and/or symptoms?
- Which tests will you run and what will they tell us?
If your doctor is not considering Asherman’s, tell him/her why you think you might have Asherman’s, e.g. history of uterine surgery followed by a reduced or stopped period. (You can always refer to the information on our website as you talk to your doctor.)
- Have you treated Asherman’s before?
- Have you treated cases like mine? As severe? Did these women go on to have successful pregnancies?
- Could you please explain to me which procedures you will use for diagnosis and treatment?
- If you find extensive scarring in my uterus, how confident are you that you could remove it? For treatment, would you recommend seeing a specialist with more Asherman’s experience?
- Could you please explain to me which procedures you will use for your diagnosis?
- If you find scarring in my uterus or cervix, will you attempt to treat it at that time? If so, how?
- Is there anything I need to do to prepare for my diagnostic test (hysteroscopy, HSG, SHG)?
- If you find extensive scarring in my uterus, how confident are you that you could remove it? For treatment, would you recommend seeing a specialist with more Asherman’s experience?
How severe is your Asherman’s
- How severe is my Asherman’s?
- What percentage of my cavity is open?
- Where is the scarring? Are there scars covering my tubes?
- Will the scarring be difficult or easy to remove?
Scheduling and cost
- How long does it take to schedule surgery?
- How long does it take to recover from surgery?
- What post-operative follow-up care do you recommend? When does this occur?
- How many surgeries would I need to correct my Asherman’s?
- How will you know if you have removed all of my scarring?
- What is the average price of surgery? Do most insurance companies cover this surgery?
Surgery questions
(Make sure you are comfortable with these answers. These questions will help you determine if you want to see another doctor / an Asherman’s specialist.)
- What will you do if you find the scar tissue is very dense, calcified or difficult to remove?
- What type of surgery, hormone treatments, barrier method do you recommend for my case?
- How thin or thick is my endometrium?
- If necessary, which methods would you recommend to increase the thickness or amount of endometrium? Baby aspirin? Viagra? Acupuncture? Herbal treatments
Asherman's syndrome information
- Dreisler E, Kjer JJ. Asherman’s syndrome: current perspectives on diagnosis and management. Int J Womens Health. 2019 Mar 20;11:191-198. doi: 10.2147/IJWH.S165474. PMID: 30936754; PMCID: PMC6430995.
- Healy MW, Schexnayder B, Connell MT, Terry N, DeCherney AH, Csokmay JM, Yauger BJ, Hill MJ. Intrauterine adhesion prevention after hysteroscopy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2016 Sep;215(3):267-275.e7. doi: 10.1016/j.ajog.2016.05.001. Epub 2016 May 10. PMID: 27173082.
- Vitale SG, Riemma G, Carugno J, Perez-Medina T, Alonso Pacheco L, Haimovich S, Parry JP, Di Spiezio Sardo A, De Franciscis P. Postsurgical barrier strategies to avoid the recurrence of intrauterine adhesion formation after hysteroscopic adhesiolysis: a network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2022 Apr;226(4):487-498.e8. doi: 10.1016/j.ajog.2021.09.015. Epub 2021 Sep 30. PMID: 34555319.
- Deans R, Vancaillie T, Ledger W, Liu J, Abbott JA. Live birth rate and obstetric complications following the hysteroscopic management of intrauterine adhesions including Asherman syndrome. Hum Reprod. 2018 Oct 1;33(10):1847-1853. doi: 10.1093/humrep/dey237. PMID: 30239778.